Working through the excellent rails tutorial by Michael Hartl, somewhere around the end chapter 9 I came across some unusual behavior of (what I suspect) Ruby/Rails. My data, which is committed to a MySQL database, kept disappearing.
Whenever a change was made to any of the spec or controller files, all my users would be gone 🙁
To get a grip on who the culprit is, I went off to create some triggers who would log what happened and when:
CREATE TABLE logger ( logger_id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , logger_event VARCHAR(50) , logger_table VARCHAR(50) , logger_instring VARCHAR(100) , logger_outstring VARCHAR(100) , creation_date DATETIME , last_update_date DATETIME) ENGINE=MyISAM; DELIMITER $ CREATE TRIGGER trg_users_insert AFTER INSERT ON users FOR EACH ROW begin INSERT INTO logger VALUES ( null ,'insert' ,'users' , , null , new.created_at , null ); END$ CREATE TRIGGER trg_users_update AFTER update ON users FOR EACH ROW begin INSERT INTO logger VALUES ( null ,'update' ,'users' , , , old.updated_at , new.updated_at ); END$ CREATE TRIGGER trg_users_delete before delete ON users FOR EACH ROW begin INSERT INTO logger VALUES ( null ,'delete' ,'users' , , null , null , current_timestamp ); END$
Not the most sophisticated piece of code ever, but let’s see if it does the trick…